My Writing Journey & why I love Journaling

My Writing Journey & why I love Journaling

I was 12 when I started journaling and writing songs and poetry. It has always been an important outlet for me. One of my favourite quotes about writing said “I write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect” ~ ANAIS NIN. Writing can be a place to find clarity, reflect, expand, and heal. That raw uncensored authentic fearless truth that streams through when you need it most, to review later, and expand to new places. Aside from a select few, I haven’t shared my poetry with many people, until the last few years. But I feel it's time to express and share this part of me, I am in the process of creating my first book of Art & Poetry. I’m inspired by my experiences and the people and places that help shape them, and by the observations I witness created as life unfolds. I believe we create every day… and through our creations we grow, we fall in love, we fall, we stand again to overcome the defeat that passes, to rise again and again. I imagine a creative journey that expands beyond all limits. As I create, I broaden a little more. Creative expression has always been a means for conceiving my dreams into something tangible. A moment I can later reflect upon. As a child, I would lose myself in my creative pursuits only to find myself again through pondering my perceptions. I existed in between introspection and exploration of my inner universe and my outer existence and the observations of the people and worlds I encountered. My curiosity captures me. I hope to inspire others by dissolving limitations, inspiring growth and fusing many worlds into one through creative expression and collaboration.

Join me from anywhere on Zoom for a personalized Stream of Consciousness Journal Writing Session - Learn how to: 
  • Tap into your endless reserve that hides within your boundless imagination.
  • Never feel blocked again.
  • Discover the tools to help overcome writer's block. 
  • Allow your inspired ideas to flow like water.
  • Connect with your inner voice and write your heart out!
(For a limited time only) Stream of Consciousness Journal Writing Session includes a 20% Discount-code for Vivid Creations Blank Journals
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