Release Writers Block & Turn PAIN INTO PURPOSE

Release Writers Block & Turn PAIN INTO PURPOSE

Alchemy is the transformation of fear into love, of pain into purpose, and of shadow into light. E-motions are energy-in-motion. When we lean into our feelings, whether they are "good or bad" and embrace them with acceptance, and release judgment, we can better understand their function. Our emotions are pieces of a much larger puzzle. They are the symptoms who have come to raise awareness of what remains hidden below the surface. When we process creatively to understand these deeper parts of ourselves, we discover a new framework of possibilities to create from. We are rediscovering parts of ourselves. And what we understand can transform these energies. This is creative alchemy, and this is where we find expansion and growth. Learn how to tap into your reserve of creative self awareness. Never feel blocked again. WRITE YOUR HEART OUT! 

Blessings, Tabbatha

Contact Tabbatha for a (Stream of Consciousness Journal Writing Session

Regain Focus

Relieve Stress & Anxiety

Calm Negative Emotions & Lift your Mood

Broaden Perspective & Reframe Your Thinking

Learn Mindful Practices

Gain Deeper Self-awareness

Process your Emotions

Overcome Writers Block

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