artist statement

Welcome to my Muse

Creative Alchemy is the transformation of imagination into expression, fear into love, pain into purpose, and shadow into light. My name is Tabbatha. I produced this website to share with you the process of Creative Alchemy. Whether we are appreciating the Arts, or creating, it transcends our most difficult moments, and elevates our joys. Creative expression has always been an outlet for exploring a deeper part of myself, and my observations of the world around me. It is the process of expansion and growth. A vehicle for understanding and conceiving my dreams into life. 

We create each day... remember to play! To be inspired means to be in-spirit. Creativity allows us to tap into a higher awareness by bringing stillness to our occupied mind. It is a way to connect, focus and channel a vision, to capture our most precious experiences forever. This is where I discover expansion. When we express ourselves we let go and allow a new creation to form. We grow, we embody a deeper understanding or ourselves and the world around us. This is creative Alchemy. 

~ Tabbatha (Artistic Mystic) contact

Tabbatha has 20 years experience working in the Media Arts as a Video & Graphic Artist & Photographer. Growing up she was always passionate about Art, Dance, Music, Theatre & Writing. Vivid Creations is an accumulation of her creative passion projects, inspiration & benefits she has discovered through Self Expression, Mindfulness, Meditation & Energy Healing practices. In Jan of 2020 she became a Reiki Energy Practitioner & Sound Healer. She is now using these practices in her life & creative pursuits. Inquire within for more information about working with Tabbatha and Vivid Creations.